Write the vision, make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. Habakkuk 2.2
It truly amazes me how the vision we create of ourselves can impact any situation. We visualize unknowingly every day. Vision will impact your health in a good or bad way. How you receive and process information can influence your perception, your thoughts and emotions which in turn can impact your health. I’ve experienced this back in November of 2014, while sick in the hospital from food poisoning. Gratitude was the culprit of the beginning of my healing. (See blog, “The Healing Power of Gratitude). I maintained an attitude of gratitude, as I lay in the hospital bed, the room was cold and I was shivering from fevers and sickness. I was determined to get better, so I remained opened to the Lord’s guidance for what to do next. He revealed to me the board on the wall across from my bed. This board is used for nurses to write your desires of service and the names of the staff that were working that particular shift. God, my father spoke to me and said, “That is your vision board. Write on it what you desire.” When the nurse came in, I requested that several statements be written on the board, “Normal body temperature, normal blood sugar levels, go home!”.

Now here is where visualization takes place. I continuously looked at that board, all day, thanking Him for my requests. I saw it in the morning when I woke up and it was the last thing I saw before I went to sleep. Overtime, my awareness sharpened as Holy Spirit revealed to me the healing process. In the beginning, when I was admitted, the nurses placed braces on my legs to prevent blood clots. My body maintained a temp of 102. Holy spirit revealed to me that the heat generated from the braces prevented my body to maintain the high temperature. I asked the nurse if I needed these braces on my legs, she replied no. I requested for them to be removed, then I asked if the blankets could be replaced with sheets. Later that afternoon, my temperature returned normal. Also, for my glucose levels, I requested major changes for my meals, which impacted my health as well. This was amazing. Focusing on the board, caused my awareness to sharpen and discover everything that affected my wellbeing despite the dire news from the doctors. Vision caused a speedy recovery. The doctors expected me to stay over a week. I was in the hospital only 4 days. This is one of the many examples of how vision has impacted my life. During my stay in the hospital, I chose not to entertain bad news. I listened and obeyed God's instructions. I created His good report, wrote the vision, read the statements and created the blueprint that impacts my subconscious. God will use vision to train your mind and your body. What are you seeing when you look at your life? What does God want to see in your life? Create the vision, speak it and thank God for it. Visualize it , then Internalize long enough so it will Materialize. Write your Vision Today.